Bowls SA Club of the Year 2018/19



Our new website has been arranged into like areas for ease of referencing information. A brief outline of what you will find and where follows.

Home Page

The top half of the screen will show revolving photos of various activities. There is a read more button on the bottom left that will navigate you to further details pertaining to the photo.

The event area in the middle left of the screen revolves around a maximum of ten upcoming events. Each one of these can be clicked on to give you extra details of the selected event.

The sponsors area on the middle right will show the logo of each of our sponsors. Clicking on any of the logos will direct you to that sponsor’s web site.

At the bottom there are four quick links that will take you directly to the designated area.

Along the top of the home screen and every other top level page are links to similar grouped items in a drop down list. They are as follows

Our Club

This displays items pertaining to the club, its history, current management, governance, photo gallery and useful links to other sites and downloadable forms. There is also a honour board page which shows current club champions. At the bottom of this page are three links which will bring you to our clubs full pennant history as currently displayed on our honour board in the club.

The governance page will feature downloadable items that relate to both bowls operations from Bowls SA as well as our Constitution and other Club related documents.


All pennant related items are grouped here including a comprehensive pennant team page which will display the current Pennant programme once published by Bowls SA. There are pages detailing both social and night owl bowls as well as a coaching page. This latter page shows current coaches as well as links to six youtube videos on bowls development. The umpires and measurers page list all current umpires and measurers as well as downloadable forms from Bowls SA that are relevant to umpiring etc.

Club Sponsors

This page lists all current Club sponsors with their relevant details. Again clicking on any of the sponsor’s logo will take you to their web site. There is also a page for sponsors specials which will hold details of any special offers.

News & Events

This page will display a news page for any items of interest, an events page which will show on the home page, a calendar which links to our Google Calendar displaying all upcoming events. You can click on the agenda button on the top right hand side of the calendar to get a summary of events for the month. And finally a newsletter page holding current and past club newsletters.

Function Hire

This page details the areas of the club that can be hired along with photos of each area

Contact Us

A list of member contacts and their responsibility are shown here. All enquiries can be handled here by selecting the appropriate email address and then entering you question, request or suggestion.

We will be continually adding to our new web site as we come across new ideas but in the meantime we hope that you enjoy what has been developed so far.